Subscribe and Save

NEW! Subscribe and Save!

We are very pleased to announce we can now offer a Subscribe and Save service at Groceries2Go.

You can now receive a discount on selected products when you set up regular deliveries of that product from our site.  

You choose the frequency of your deliveries which will automatically be shipped to you on a set date.  

As well as discounts on regular purchases, you will also receive free shipping on your orders.  

To begin saving money with Subscribe & Save, simply –

  • Log into your Groceries2Go account (or register if you are a new customer)
  • Search for the product you wish to subscribe to, select the quantity you wish to purchase
  • Select the frequency of your delivery – from once a month to every six months
  • Submit to create your subscription

Once you’re all set up, you’re not tied to a contract or commitment – you can log onto your account to change your delivery settings or to miss a delivery, whenever you like.  

This service is fairly comprehensive and includes, amongst others, the following categories of products:

  • Household products – save time by receiving regular deliveries of toilet rolls, cleaning products and toiletries
  • Toiletries – we stock a huge range of toiletry items which you can subscribe to
  • Baby products – this service is great for all the things your baby needs including nappies, food and other disposable baby items
  • Groceries – we offer a wide range of food and drink items that can be added to your Subscribe & Save account in order to lighten the load on your trips to the store
  • Office supplies – for the small business, this service is great for making sure you never run out office sundries which can be purchased at a cheaper price than elsewhere such as tea, coffee, cleaning supplies and bin bags

With subscribe and save you can make some great savings and its convenient – you no longer have the hassle of having to remember to buy them – or the frustration of running out of essential items.

Its flexible with no long-term commitment or contract and you can amend or cancel your subscriptions at any time.


  1. Stephen Bailey on June 19, 2021 at 3:22 pm

    Great post.